

2015-07-08 13:54



  课文重难点 Further notes on the text

  1.…workers began to unload a number of wooden boxes which contained clothing.……工人们开始卸下装有服装的一批木箱。

  (1)unload的含义为"卸(货)",它的反义词为load(装货)。与形容词 uncomfortable, unsmiling等相似,有些动词加前缀un可以表示做相反的动作。

  (2)a number of为固定词组,表示"若干"、"许多":

  You've made a number of mistakes in typing this letter.你打这封信时出了不少错误。


  2.No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heavy. 其中有只箱子特别重,可谁也弄不清是怎么回事。

  (1)短语动词 account for的含义为"说明理由"、"作出说明(或解释)":

  The bad weather in England accounts for Harrison's decision to leave the country.英国糟糕的气候是哈里森决定离开这个国家的原因。

  How do you account for the battered car?你如何解释这撞坏的车?


  He couldn't explain the fact that Mary's wallet was found in his room.他无法解释玛丽的钱包是在他房间里找到的这一事实。

  3.It suddenly occurred to one of the workers to open up the box. 突然一个工人想到打开箱子看看。

  (1)表示某人想起某事时,要用 sth. occurred to sb. 这个结构,主语为事,而不是人。

  (2)it在句中为先行主语,代替不定式 to open up the box。

  (3)open up的含义之一是"打开":

  open up boxes/gifts 打开箱子/礼物

  When he received the gifts, he opened them up at once.他收到礼物后立刻就打开了。

  4.He was astonished at what he found. 看到的情景使他吃惊。

  表示某事使/让某人吃惊通常用sb. is/ are/ was/ were…astonished at sth.:

  Sam appears astonished at the news/ the sound.这消息/声音似乎使萨姆吃了一惊。

  5.on top of, 在……上面。

  She put the bread on top of a pile of other goods.她把面包放在一堆其他货物上面。

  6.…he had been confined to the wooden box for over eighteen hours. ……他在那木箱里闷了十八个多小时。


  Last weekend, Tom's mother confined him to his room.上个周末,汤姆的妈妈把汤姆关在了房间里。

  7.The man was ordered to pay £3, 500 for the cost of the trip. 此人被责令交付旅费3,500英镑。

  pay for表示"为……支付货款"、"为……付出代价":

  She paid £ 50 for that dress.她买那件衣服花了50英镑。

  语法 Grammar in use

  与to,at,for和 with连用的动词

  在第22课的语法中,我们学习了后面可跟 of,from,in和 on 的动词,如 borrow,believe,dream,think,write,decide等。有些动词可以跟to,at,for和with连用,不过这些介词不一定是惟一和这些动词连用的小品词。

  (1)与to 连用的动词

  It never occurred to them that a man had confined himself to one of the wooden boxes.他们从来没想到有一个人会把自己关在其中的一个木箱里。

  I prefer listening to music to reading newspapers.我宁愿听音乐而不愿看报纸。

  This car belongs to Sam. It's not mine.这汽车是萨姆的,不是我的。

  Will you see to this flower while I'm away?我不在的时候你照看一下这花好吗?

  He used to turn to me for help.他过去常向我求助。



  Dan was both surprised and amused at the news.这消息既使丹感到惊奇又使他感到好笑。

  He was astonished at what he found.发现的情况使他吃了一惊。


  What are you looking at?你在看什么?

  When I arrived at the station, the train had already left.当我到达火车站时,那列火车已开走了。

  A beggar knocked at the door.一个乞丐在敲门。


  I'm looking for my pen.我在找我的钢笔。

  He was searched for the stolen money.他被搜了身,看看有没有被盗走的那笔钱。

  He's already been punished for his mistake.他已因为所犯的错误而受到了惩罚。

  John paid for the dinner.约翰付了饭钱。

  Can you account for his strange behaviour?你能解释他的古怪行为吗?

  A child is calling for help.有个孩子在大声呼救。


  Tom often quarrels with his brother.汤姆经常和他兄弟吵架。

  Don't play with fire!不要玩火!

  I'm pleased with this room.我对这房间满意。

  Sam used to mix with those people.萨姆过去常与那些人交往。

  We'll begin with the exercises.我们从练习开始。


  • 听力
  • 口语
  • 阅读
  • 娱乐
  • 词汇
  • 写作


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